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- =head1 NAME
- FreezeThaw - converting Perl structures to strings and back.
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use FreezeThaw qw(freeze thaw cmpStr safeFreeze cmpStrHard);
- $string = freeze $data1, $data2, $data3;
- ...
- ($olddata1, $olddata2, $olddata3) = thaw $string;
- if (cmpStr($olddata2,$data2) == 0) {print "OK!"}
- Converts data to/from stringified form, appropriate for
- saving-to/reading-from permanent storage.
- Deals with objects, circular lists, repeated appearence of the same
- refence. Does not deal with overloaded I<stringify> operator yet.
- =head1 EXPORT
- =over 12
- =item Default
- None.
- =item Exportable
- C<freeze thaw cmpStr cmpStrHard safeFreeze>.
- =back
- =head1 User API
- =over 12
- =item C<cmpStr>
- analogue of C<cmp> for data. Takes two arguments and compares them as
- separate entities.
- =item C<cmpStrHard>
- analogue of C<cmp> for data. Takes two arguments and compares them
- considered as a group.
- =item C<freeze>
- returns a string that encupsulates its arguments (considered as a
- group). C<thaw>ing this string leads to a fatal error if arguments to
- C<freeze> contained references to C<GLOB>s and C<CODE>s.
- =item C<safeFreeze>
- returns a string that encupsulates its arguments (considered as a
- group). The result is C<thaw>able in the same process. C<thaw>ing the
- result in a different process should result in a fatal error if
- arguments to C<safeFreeze> contained references to C<GLOB>s and
- C<CODE>s.
- =item C<thaw>
- takes one string argument and returns an array. The elements of the
- array are "equivalent" to arguments of the C<freeze> command that
- created the string. Can result in a fatal error (see above).
- =back
- =head1 Developer API
- C<FreezeThaw> C<freeze>s and C<thaw>s data blessed in some package by
- calling methods C<Freeze> and C<Thaw> in the package. The fallback
- methods are provided by the C<FreezeThaw> itself. The fallback
- C<Freeze> freezes the "content" of blessed object (from Perl point of
- view). The fallback C<Thaw> blesses the C<thaw>ed data back into the package.
- So the package needs to define its own methods only if the fallback
- methods will fail (for example, for a lot of data the "content" of an
- object is an address of some B<C> data). The methods are called like
- $newcooky = $obj->Freeze($cooky);
- $obj = Package->Thaw($content,$cooky);
- To save and restore the data the following method are applicable:
- $cooky->FreezeScalar($data,$ignorePackage,$noduplicate);
- during Freeze()ing, and
- $data = $cooky->ThawScalar;
- Two optional arguments $ignorePackage and $noduplicate regulate
- whether the freezing should not call the methods even if $data is a
- reference to a blessed object, and whether the data should not be
- marked as seen already even if it was seen before. The default methods
- sub UNIVERSAL::Freeze {
- my ($obj, $cooky) = (shift, shift);
- $cooky->FreezeScalar($obj,1,1);
- }
- sub UNIVERSAL::Thaw {
- my ($package, $cooky) = (shift, shift);
- my $obj = $cooky->ThawScalar;
- bless $obj, $package;
- }
- call the C<FreezeScalar> method of the $cooky since the freezing
- engine will see the data the second time during this call. Indeed, it
- is the freezing engine who calls UNIVERSAL::Freeze(), and it calls it
- because it needs to freeze $obj. The above call to
- $cooky->FreezeScalar() handles the same data back to engine, but
- because flags are different, the code does not cycle.
- Freezing and thawing $cooky also allows the following additional methods:
- $cooky->isSafe;
- to find out whether the current freeze was initiated by C<freeze> or
- C<safeFreeze> command. Analogous method for thaw $cooky returns
- whether the current thaw operation is considered safe (i.e., either
- does not contain cached elsewhere data, or comes from the same
- application). You can use
- $cooky->makeSafe;
- to prohibit cached data for the duration of the rest of freezing or
- thawing of current object.
- Two methods
- $value = $cooky->repeatedOK;
- $cooky->noRepeated; # Now repeated are prohibited
- allow to find out/change the current setting for allowing repeated
- references.
- If you want to flush the cache of saved objects you can use
- FreezeThaw->flushCache;
- this can invalidate some frozen string, so that thawing them will
- result in fatal error.
- =head2 Instantiating
- Sometimes, when an object from a package is recreated in presense of
- repeated references, it is not safe to recreate the internal structure
- of an object in one step. In such a situation recreation of an object
- is carried out in two steps: in the first the object is C<allocate>d,
- in the second it is C<instantiate>d.
- The restriction is that during the I<allocation> step you cannot use any
- reference to any Perl object that can be referenced from any other
- place. This restriction is applied since that object may not exist yet.
- Correspondingly, during I<instantiation> step the previosly I<allocated>
- object should be C<filled>, i.e., it can be changed in any way such
- that the references to this object remain valid.
- The methods are called like this:
- $pre_object_ref = Package->Allocate($pre_pre_object_ref);
- # Returns reference
- Package->Instantiate($pre_object_ref,$cooky);
- # Converts into reference to blessed object
- The reverse operations are
- $object_ref->FreezeEmpty($cooky);
- $object_ref->FreezeInstance($cooky);
- during these calls object can C<freezeScalar> some information (in a
- usual way) that will be used during C<Allocate> and C<Instantiate>
- calls (via C<thawScalar>). Note that the return value of
- C<FreezeEmpty> is cached during the phase of creation of uninialized
- objects. This B<must> be used like this: the return value is the
- reference to the created object, so it is not destructed until other
- objects are created, thus the frozen values of the different objects
- will not share the same references. Example of bad result:
- $o1->FreezeEmpty($cooky)
- freezes C<{}>, and C<$o2-E<gt>FreezeEmpty($cooky)> makes the same. Now
- nobody guaranties that that these two copies of C<{}> are different,
- unless a reference to the first one is preserved during the call to
- C<$o2-E<gt>FreezeEmpty($cooky)>. If C<$o1-E<gt>FreezeEmpty($cooky)>
- returns the value of C<{}> it uses, it will be preserved by the
- engine.
- The helper function C<FreezeThaw::copyContents> is provided for
- simplification of instantiation. The syntax is
- FreezeThaw::copyContents $to, $from;
- The function copies contents the object $from point to into what the
- object $to points to (including package for blessed references). Both
- arguments should be references.
- The default methods are provided. They do the following:
- =over 12
- =item C<FreezeEmpty>
- Freezes an I<empty> object of underlying type.
- =item C<FreezeInstance>
- Calls C<Freeze>.
- =item C<Allocate>
- Thaws what was frozen by C<FreezeEmpty>.
- =item C<Instantiate>
- Thaws what was frozen by C<FreezeInstance>, uses C<copyContents> to
- transfer this to the $pre_object.
- =back
- A lot of objects are blessed in some obscure packages by XSUB
- typemaps. It is not clear how to (automatically) prevent the
- C<UNIVERSAL> methods to be called for objects in these packages.
- The objects which can survive freeze()/thaw() cycle must also survive a
- change of a "member" to an equal member. Say, after
- $a = [a => 3];
- $a->{b} = \ $a->{a};
- $a satisfies
- $a->{b} == \ $a->{a}
- This property will be broken by freeze()/thaw(), but it is also broken by
- $a->{a} = delete $a->{a};
- =cut
- require 5.002; # defined ref stuff...
- # Different line noise chars:
- #
- # $567| next 567 chars form a scalar
- #
- # @34| next 34 scalars form an array
- #
- # %34| next 34 scalars form a hash
- #
- # ? next scalar is a safe-stamp at beginning
- #
- # ? next scalar is a stringified data
- #
- # ! repeated array follows (after a scalar denoting array $#),
- # (possibly?) followed by instantiation array. At beginning
- #
- # <45| ordinal of element in repeated array
- #
- # * stringified glob follows
- #
- # & stringified coderef follows
- #
- # \\ stringified defererenced data follows
- #
- # / stringified REx follows
- #
- # > stringified package name follows, then frozen data
- #
- # { stringified package name follows, then allocation data
- #
- # } stringified package name follows, then instantiation data
- #
- # _ frozen form of undef
- package FreezeThaw;
- use Exporter;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- $VERSION = '0.45';
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(freeze thaw cmpStr cmpStrHard safeFreeze);
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- my $lock = (reverse time) ^ $$ ^ \&freezeString; # To distingush processes
- use vars qw( @multiple
- %seen_packages
- $seen_packages
- %seen_packages
- %count
- %address
- $string
- $unsafe
- $noCache
- $cooky
- $secondpass
- ), # Localized in freeze()
- qw( $norepeated ), # Localized in freezeScalar()
- qw( $uninitOK ), # Localized in thawScalar()
- qw( @uninit ), # Localized in thaw()
- qw($safe); # Localized in safeFreeze()
- my (%saved);
- my %Empty = ( ARRAY => sub {[]}, HASH => sub {{}},
- SCALAR => sub {my $undef; \$undef},
- REF => sub {my $undef; \$undef},
- CODE => 1, # 1 means atomic
- GLOB => 1,
- Regexp => 0,
- );
- # This should better be done via pos() and \G, but apparently \G is not
- # optimized (bug in the REx optimizer???)
- my $pointer_size = length pack 'p', 0;
- #my $max_dig0 = 3*$pointer_size; # 8bits take less than 3 decimals
- # Now calculate the exact value:
- #my $max_pointer = sprintf "%.${max_dig0}g", 0x100**$pointer_size;
- my $max_pointer = sprintf "%.0f", 0x100**$pointer_size;
- die "Panic" if $max_pointer =~ /\D/;
- my $max_pointer_l = length $max_pointer;
- warn "Max pointer_l=$max_pointer_l" if $ENV{FREEZE_THAW_WARN};
- eval "sub max_strlen_l () {$max_pointer_l}; 1" or die;
- }
- sub flushCache {$lock ^= rand; undef %saved;}
- sub getref ($) {
- my $ref = ref $_[0];
- return $ref if not $ref or defined $Empty{$ref}; # Optimization _and_ Regexp
- my $str;
- if (defined &overload::StrVal) {
- $str = overload::StrVal($_[0]);
- } else {
- $str = "$_[0]";
- }
- $ref = $1 if $str =~ /=(\w+)/;
- $ref;
- }
- sub freezeString {$string .= "\$" . length($_[0]) . '|' . $_[0]}
- sub freezeNumber {$string .= $_[0] . '|'}
- sub freezeREx {$string .= '/' . length($_[0]) . '|' . $_[0]}
- sub thawString { # Returns list: a string and offset of rest
- substr($string, $_[0], 2+max_strlen_l) =~ /^\$(\d+)\|/
- or confess "Wrong format of frozen string: " . substr($string, $_[0]);
- length($string) - $_[0] > length($1) + 1 + $1
- or confess "Frozen string too short: `" .
- substr($string, $_[0]) . "', expect " . (length($1) + 2 + $1);
- (substr($string, $_[0] + length($1) + 2, $1), $_[0] + length($1) + 2 + $1);
- }
- sub thawNumber { # Returns list: a number and offset of rest
- substr($string, $_[0], 1+max_strlen_l) =~ /^(\d+)\|/
- or confess "Wrong format of frozen string: " . substr($string, $_[0]);
- ($1, $_[0] + length($1) + 1);
- }
- sub _2rex ($);
- if (eval '"Regexp" eq ref qr/1/') {
- eval 'sub _2rex ($) {my $r = shift; qr/$r/} 1' or die;
- } else {
- eval 'sub _2rex ($) { shift } 1' or die;
- }
- sub thawREx { # Returns list: a REx and offset of rest
- substr($string, $_[0], 2+max_strlen_l) =~ m,^/(\d+)\|,
- or confess "Wrong format of frozen REx: " . substr($string, $_[0]);
- length($string) - $_[0] > length($1) + 1 + $1
- or confess "Frozen string too short: `" .
- substr($string, $_[0]) . "', expect " . (length($1) + 2 + $1);
- (_2rex substr($string, $_[0] + length($1) + 2, $1),
- $_[0] + length($1) + 2 + $1);
- }
- sub freezeArray {
- $string .= '@' . @{$_[0]} . '|';
- for (@{$_[0]}) {
- freezeScalar($_);
- }
- }
- sub thawArray {
- substr($string, $_[0], 2+max_strlen_l) =~ /^[\@%](\d+)\|/ # % To make it possible thaw hashes
- or confess "Wrong format of frozen array: \n$_[0]";
- my $count = $1;
- my $off = $_[0] + 2 + length $count;
- my (@res, $res);
- while ($count and length $string > $off) {
- ($res,$off) = thawScalar($off);
- push(@res,$res);
- --$count;
- }
- confess "Wrong length of data in thawing Array: $count left" if $count;
- (\@res, $off);
- }
- sub freezeHash {
- my @arr = sort keys %{$_[0]};
- $string .= '%' . (2*@arr) . '|';
- for (@arr, @{$_[0]}{@arr}) {
- freezeScalar($_);
- }
- }
- sub thawHash {
- my ($arr, $rest) = &thawArray;
- my %hash;
- my $l = @$arr/2;
- foreach (0 .. $l - 1) {
- $hash{$arr->[$_]} = $arr->[$l + $_];
- }
- (\%hash,$rest);
- }
- # Second optional argument: ignore the package
- # Third optional one: do not check for duplicates on outer level
- sub freezeScalar {
- $string .= '_', return unless defined $_[0];
- return &freezeString unless ref $_[0];
- my $ref = ref $_[0];
- my $str;
- if ($_[1] and $ref) { # Similar to getref()
- if (defined &overload::StrVal) {
- $str = overload::StrVal($_[0]);
- } else {
- $str = "$_[0]";
- }
- $ref = $1 if $str =~ /=(\w+)/;
- } else {
- $str = "$_[0]";
- }
- # Die if a) repeated prohibited, b) met, c) not explicitely requested to ingore.
- confess "Repeated reference met when prohibited"
- if $norepeated && !$_[2] && defined $count{$str};
- if ($secondpass and !$_[2]) {
- $string .= "<$address{$str}|", return
- if defined $count{$str} and $count{$str} > 1;
- } elsif (!$_[2]) {
- # $count{$str} is defined if we have seen it on this pass.
- $address{$str} = @multiple, push(@multiple, $_[0])
- if defined $count{$str} and not exists $address{$str};
- # This is for debugging and shortening thrown-away output (also
- # internal data in arrays and hashes is not duplicated).
- $string .= "<$address{$str}|", ++$count{$str}, return
- if defined $count{$str};
- ++$count{$str};
- }
- return &freezeArray if $ref eq 'ARRAY';
- return &freezeHash if $ref eq 'HASH';
- return &freezeREx if $ref eq 'Regexp' and not defined ${$_[0]};
- $string .= "*", return &freezeString
- if $ref eq 'GLOB' and !$safe;
- $string .= "&", return &freezeString
- if $ref eq 'CODE' and !$safe;
- $string .= '\\', return &freezeScalar( $ {shift()} )
- if $ref eq 'REF' or $ref eq 'SCALAR';
- if ($noCache and (($ref eq 'CODE') or $ref eq 'GLOB')) {
- confess "CODE and GLOB references prohibited now";
- }
- if ($safe and (($ref eq 'CODE') or $ref eq 'GLOB')) {
- $unsafe = 1;
- $saved{$str} = $_[0] unless defined $saved{$str};
- $string .= "?";
- return &freezeString;
- }
- $string .= '>';
- local $norepeated = $norepeated;
- local $noCache = $noCache;
- freezePackage(ref $_[0]);
- $_[0]->Freeze($cooky);
- }
- sub freezePackage {
- my $packageid = $seen_packages{$_[0]};
- if (defined $packageid) {
- $string .= ')';
- &freezeNumber( $packageid );
- } else {
- $string .= '>';
- &freezeNumber( $seen_packages );
- &freezeScalar( $_[0] );
- $seen_packages{ $_[0] } = $seen_packages++;
- }
- }
- sub thawPackage { # First argument: offset
- my $key = substr($string,$_[0],1);
- my ($get, $rest, $id);
- ($id, $rest) = &thawNumber($_[0] + 1);
- if ($key eq ')') {
- $get = $seen_packages{$id};
- } else {
- ($get, $rest) = &thawString($rest);
- $seen_packages{$id} = $get;
- }
- ($get, $rest);
- }
- # First argument: offset; Optional other: index in the @uninit array
- sub thawScalar {
- my $key = substr($string,$_[0],1);
- if ($key eq "\$") {&thawString}
- elsif ($key eq '@') {&thawArray}
- elsif ($key eq '%') {&thawHash}
- elsif ($key eq '/') {&thawREx}
- elsif ($key eq '\\') {
- my ($out,$rest) = &thawScalar( $_[0]+1 ) ;
- (\$out,$rest);
- }
- elsif ($key eq '_') { (undef, $_[0]+1) }
- elsif ($key eq '&') {confess "Do not know how to thaw CODE"}
- elsif ($key eq '*') {confess "Do not know how to thaw GLOB"}
- elsif ($key eq '?') {
- my ($address,$rest) = &thawScalar( $_[0]+1 ) ;
- confess "The saved data accessed in unprotected thaw" unless $unsafe;
- confess "The saved data disappeared somewhere"
- unless defined $saved{$address};
- ($saved{$address},$rest);
- } elsif ($key eq '<') {
- confess "Repeated data prohibited at this moment" unless $uninitOK;
- my ($off,$end) = &thawNumber ($_[0]+1);
- ($uninit[$off],$end);
- } elsif ($key eq '>' or $key eq '{' or $key eq '}') {
- my ($package,$rest) = &thawPackage( $_[0]+1 );
- my $cooky = bless \$rest, 'FreezeThaw::TCooky';
- local $uninitOK = $uninitOK;
- local $unsafe = $unsafe;
- if ($key eq '{') {
- my $res = $package->Allocate($cooky);
- ($res, $rest);
- } elsif ($key eq '}') {
- warn "Here it is undef!" unless defined $_[1];
- $package->Instantiate($uninit[$_[1]],$cooky);
- (undef, $rest);
- } else {
- ($package->Thaw($cooky),$rest);
- }
- } else {
- confess "Do not know how to thaw data with code `$key'";
- }
- }
- sub freezeEmpty { # Takes a type, freezes ref to empty object
- my $e = $Empty{ref $_[0]};
- if (ref $e) {
- my $cache = &$e;
- freezeScalar $cache;
- $cache;
- } elsif ($e) {
- my $cache = shift;
- freezeScalar($cache,1,1); # Atomic
- $cache;
- } else {
- $string .= "{";
- freezePackage ref $_[0];
- $_[0]->FreezeEmpty($cooky);
- }
- }
- sub freeze {
- local @multiple;
- local %seen_packages;
- local $seen_packages = 0;
- local %seen_packages;
- # local @seentypes;
- local %count;
- local %address;
- local $string = 'FrT;';
- local $unsafe;
- local $noCache;
- local $cooky = bless \$cooky, 'FreezeThaw::FCooky'; # Just something fake
- local $secondpass;
- freezeScalar(\@_);
- if (@multiple) {
- # Now repeated structures are enumerated with order of *second* time
- # they appear in the what we freeze.
- # What we want is to have them enumerated with respect to the first time
- #### $string = ''; # Start again
- #### @multiple = ();
- #### %address = ();
- #### for (keys %count) {
- #### $count{$_} = undef if $count{$_} <= 1; # As at start
- #### $count{$_} = 0 if $count{$_}; # As at start
- #### }
- #### $seen_packages = 0;
- #### %seen_packages = ();
- #### freezeScalar(\@_);
- # Now repeated structures are enumerated with order of first time
- # they appear in the what we freeze
- #### my $oldstring = substr $string, 4;
- $string = 'FrT;!'; # Start again
- $seen_packages = 0;
- %seen_packages = (); # XXXX We reshuffle parts of the
- # string, so the order of packages may
- # be wrong...
- freezeNumber($#multiple);
- {
- my @cache; # Force different values for different
- # empty objects.
- foreach (@multiple) {
- push @cache, freezeEmpty $_;
- }
- }
- # for (keys %count) {
- # $count{$_} = undef
- # if !(defined $count{$_}) or $count{$_} <= 1; # As at start
- # }
- # $string .= '@' . @multiple . '|';
- $secondpass = 1;
- for (@multiple) {
- freezeScalar($_,0,1,1), next if $Empty{ref $_};
- $string .= "}";
- freezePackage ref $_;
- $_->FreezeInstance($cooky);
- }
- #### $string .= $oldstring;
- freezeScalar(\@_);
- }
- return "FrT;?\$" . length($lock) . "|" . $lock . substr $string, 4
- if $unsafe;
- $string;
- }
- sub safeFreeze {
- local $safe = 1;
- &freeze;
- }
- sub copyContents { # Given two references, copies contents of the
- # second one to the first one, provided they have
- # the same basic type. The package is copied too.
- my($first,$second) = @_;
- my $ref = getref $second;
- if ($ref eq 'SCALAR' or $ref eq 'REF') {
- $$first = $$second;
- } elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
- @$first = @$second;
- } elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
- %$first = %$second;
- } else {
- croak "Don't know how to copyContents of type `$ref'";
- }
- if (ref $second ne ref $first) { # Rebless
- # SvAMAGIC() is a property of a reference, not of a referent!
- # Thus we cannot use $first here if $second was overloaded...
- bless $_[0], ref $second;
- }
- $first;
- }
- sub thaw {
- confess "thaw requires one argument" unless @_ ==1;
- local $string = shift;
- local %seen_packages;
- my $initoff = 0;
- #print STDERR "Thawing `$string'", substr ($string, 0, 4), "\n";
- if (substr($string, 0, 4) ne 'FrT;') {
- warn "Signature not present, continuing anyway" if $^W;
- } else {
- $initoff = 4;
- }
- local $unsafe = $initoff + (substr($string, $initoff, 1) eq "?" ? 1 : 0);
- if ($unsafe != $initoff) {
- my $key;
- ($key,$unsafe) = thawScalar($unsafe);
- confess "The lock in frozen data does not match the key"
- unless $key eq $lock;
- }
- local @multiple;
- local $uninitOK = 1; # The methods can change it.
- my $repeated = substr($string,$unsafe,1) eq '!' ? 1 : 0;
- my ($res, $off);
- if ($repeated) {
- ($res, $off) = thawNumber($repeated + $unsafe);
- } else {
- ($res, $off) = thawScalar($repeated + $unsafe);
- }
- my $cooky = bless \$off, 'FreezeThaw::TCooky';
- if ($repeated) {
- local @uninit;
- my $lst = $res;
- foreach (0..$lst) {
- ($res, $off) = thawScalar($off, $_);
- push(@uninit, $res);
- }
- my @init;
- foreach (0..$lst) {
- ($res, $off) = thawScalar($off, $_);
- push(@init, $res);
- }
- #($init, $off) = thawScalar($off);
- #print "Instantiating...\n";
- #my $ref;
- for (0..$#uninit) {
- copyContents $uninit[$_], $init[$_] if ref $init[$_];
- }
- ($res, $off) = thawScalar($off);
- }
- croak "Extra elements in frozen structure: `" . substr($string,$off) . "'"
- if $off != length $string;
- return @$res;
- }
- sub cmpStr {
- confess "Compare requires two arguments" unless @_ == 2;
- freeze(shift) cmp freeze(shift);
- }
- sub cmpStrHard {
- confess "Compare requires two arguments" unless @_ == 2;
- local @multiple;
- # local @seentypes;
- local %count;
- local %address;
- local $string = 'FrT;';
- local $unsafe;
- local $noCache;
- local $cooky = bless \$cooky, 'FreezeThaw::FCooky'; # Just something fake
- freezeScalar($_[0]);
- my %cnt1 = %count;
- freezeScalar($_[1]);
- my %cnt2 = %count;
- %count = ();
- # Now all the caches are filled, delete the entries for guys which
- # are in one argument only.
- my ($elt, $val);
- while (($elt, $val) = each %cnt1) {
- $count{$elt}++ if $cnt2{$elt} > $cnt1{$elt};
- }
- $string = '';
- freezeScalar($_[0]);
- my $str1 = $string;
- $string = '';
- freezeScalar($_[1]);
- $str1 cmp $string;
- }
- # local $string = freeze(shift,shift);
- # local $uninitOK = 1;
- # #print "$string\n";
- # my $off = 7; # Hardwired offset after @2|
- # if (substr($string,4,1) eq '!') {
- # $off = 5; # Hardwired offset after !
- # my ($uninit, $len);
- # ($len,$off) = thawScalar $off;
- # local @uninit;
- # foreach (0..$len) {
- # ($uninit,$off) = thawScalar $off, $_;
- # }
- # $off += 3; # Hardwired offset after @2|
- # }
- # croak "Unknown format of frozen array: " . substr($string,$off-3)
- # unless substr($string,$off-3,1) eq '@';
- # my ($first,$off2) = thawScalar $off;
- # my $off3;
- # ($first,$off3) = thawScalar $off2;
- # substr($string, $off, $off2-$off) cmp substr($string,$off2,$off3-$off2);
- # }
- sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::FreezeScalar {
- shift;
- &freezeScalar;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::isSafe {
- $safe || $noCache;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::makeSafe {
- $noCache = 1;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::repeatedOK {
- !$norepeated;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::FCooky::noRepeated {
- $norepeated = 1;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::repeatedOK {
- $uninitOK;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::noRepeated {
- undef $uninitOK;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::isSafe {
- !$unsafe;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::makeSafe {
- undef $unsafe;
- }
- sub FreezeThaw::TCooky::ThawScalar {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($res,$off) = &thawScalar($$self);
- $$self = $off;
- $res;
- }
- sub UNIVERSAL::Freeze {
- my ($obj, $cooky) = (shift, shift);
- $cooky->FreezeScalar($obj,1,1);
- }
- sub UNIVERSAL::Thaw {
- my ($package, $cooky) = (shift, shift);
- my $obj = $cooky->ThawScalar;
- bless $obj, $package;
- }
- sub UNIVERSAL::FreezeInstance {
- my($obj,$cooky) = @_;
- return if (ref $obj and ref $obj eq 'Regexp' and not defined $$obj); # Regexp
- $obj->Freeze($cooky);
- }
- sub UNIVERSAL::Instantiate {
- my($package,$pre,$cooky) = @_;
- return if $package eq 'Regexp';
- my $obj = $package->Thaw($cooky);
- # SvAMAGIC() is a property of a reference, not of a referent!
- # Thus we cannot use $pre here if $obj was overloaded...
- copyContents $_[1], $obj;
- }
- sub UNIVERSAL::Allocate {
- my($package,$cooky) = @_;
- $cooky->ThawScalar;
- }
- sub UNIVERSAL::FreezeEmpty {
- my $obj = shift;
- my $type = getref $obj;
- my $e = $Empty{$type};
- if (ref $e) {
- my $ref = &$e;
- freezeScalar $ref;
- $ref; # Put into cache.
- } elsif ($e) {
- freezeScalar($obj,1,1); # Atomic
- undef;
- } elsif (defined $e and not defined $$obj) { # Regexp
- freezeREx($obj);
- undef;
- } else {
- die "Do not know how to FreezeEmpty $type";
- }
- }
- 1;